Please click on the links for rules.
Attire: PT Kit
Time of event:1:15
Location: Hua Yi Secondary
Reporting location: HKSS CANTEEN
Reporting time: 12PM
Open to all levels(Including Sec 4s and Sec 5s)
We need cadets for the following activicties: (roll over below to see)
Captian's Ball(5 Cadets + 2 Reserve) - Quadrangle
Football (5 cadets) – Field
Sudoku (2 cadets + 1 reserve) – AVA Room
YOG Minesweeper (5 cadets + 1 reserve) – Dance Studio
Handball for girls (5 cadets + 2 reserve) – Basketball Court
Telematch: The Three Legged Race(7 cadets) – Open Basketball Court
Frisbee(5 cadets) – Field
3 on 3 Basketball for boys(3 cadets + 2 reserve) – Feild
Cadets who are interested contact me at (MSN) or just leave a comment!