Woooooot! Just a short while after Homecoming Dinner, we have another batch joining the Seniors team~~~
Woooooot! Just a short while after Homecoming Dinner, we have another batch joining the Seniors team~~~
Firstly, we would like to thank you for all your efforts and contributions towards our proud Unit! It has not been an easy sail for this batch, still you managed to come to this point together. I am sure, the skills you learnt in HKSS NPCC will never go down the drain. Struggling with limited manpower, last minutes alterations to plans, swift and urgent decision makings, making the high-ups and subordinates please, blah blah.
Next, the CIs are sorry for not being able to attend the ROD Parade 2007. Reason being all of us finish lessons at about 5pm... Come and help Auntie lock gate? Hee hee... Sorry lah, we'll be able to meet at the next gathering.. Maybe Camp Leo 2007 campfire?
What an interesting batch... Gave the Officers and CIs such good "trainings". You know, I know ;) It's a fact that we do not have a va va voom numbers of Sec 4s, but the core always managed to hit on in such a dynamic way. Just look at Camp Leo 2006... Simply impressive.

through thin..
.. and thick.
Enduring sleepless night together kanna naggings and scoldings
..and jumping around like monkeys...
We laughed together,
sad together,
and fight together!
Rain or sunshine... Once a LEO, always a LEO :)
It was a year ago, but the wish "Good luck for your futre endeavours" holds forever.
Take good care! We'll miss you always! Study well for O and N levels~~~~~~~~ Don't give up!
PS: More photos and albums added under "Photos2"! E.g: PYA Retreat, more of Homecoming Dinner 2007.