Thursday, November 08, 2007
Hong Kong trip 2007
Alright a big sorry to all for not updating the blog for such a long time. So this is going to be a reasonably long post to make up for it.
Promotion exercise
Firstly, I would like to congratulate all the newly promoted cadets, especially the newly promoted staff sergeants. As for those who were not promoted, do not feel sad or discouraged, there is still a next time. Just work hard and rewards will be given when due.
Hong Kong trip 2007
Secondly, there were around 30+ cadets who went for the annual npcc overseas trip to Hong Kong. It was a 4days 3nights trip. It sure was an enriching learning experience and a fruitful trip. The Ocean Park was no doubt the highlight of the trip and I am sure most of the cadets enjoyed the thrilling rides on that day. The school exchange with Hong Kong True Light College was a success and we got to understand the education system in Hong Kong much better. The cadets did a lot of shopping with the huge variety of shops selling almost anything. Of course, our legs were aching from the long walk but the weariness was certainly worth it. We visited various famous tourist spots on Hong Kong such as the Repulse Bay, Bohenian Square, Stanley Market, Ladies Street, Victoria Peak, and the Police Museum. The scenery in Hong Kong is great. In addition, we got to experience some first hand farming and the weather in Hong Kong is so cool such that we do not even perspire when farming. Photos were taken and I wil try to upload them if possible. Till then, cya (:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Camp LEO 2007
Camp LEO 2007
Overall, it was a success and there were many learning points. The group instructors put in their 100% effort to motivate their group members in every activity. Though the mood of the campers during the campfire was quite low, the group instructors did a great job in trying their best to salvage the situation. The campers were exhausted but the fun was certainly worth it. The instructors were independent without relying much on the CIs to help out.
The objective of this camp is to promote team bonding and the unit has certainly bonded much over the 3 days 2 nights camp. The weather was on our side for most of the camp, allowing the campers to have much fun at west coast park. The sec 2s did a great job by guiding the sec 1s throughout the camp. Hope that the bonding of the unit will not only stay in this camp but carry on as time passes. Thanks to the seniors for taking some time out to attend the campfire. Lastly, a big thanks to everyone, especially the officers, CIs and the sec 3s for making this camp a success. Great job sec 3s!
Next week is the unit's promotion exercise. Brush up on your drills and uniform etiquette, put in your best effort to get promoted. Rewards will be given when it is due. Good luck to all for the promotion exercise! Till then, cya (:
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Blog done up..
Alright the blog has been done up. The links under warriors has also been fixed. A big thanks to fadiana (:
Feel free to post ur comments about the new skin of the blog in the tagboard on the left hand side. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Should there be any opinions such as too small font or any minor changes u would like to see, we will try to change it asap.
Camp LEO is just 2days away, hope the weather will be on our side. Till then, cya (:
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Sept Holidays!
The sept holidays are here!
Hope all cadets enjoy this short holiday and maybe take this opportunity to catch up on their studies. Npcc is an important aspect but studies should not be neglected (:
The annual camp LEO 2007 is approaching on the sep 6th-8th. This is the 1st major camp the sec3s have planned. Certainly hope that the bonding of the unit will be strengthened by this upcoming camp. This camp should be a platform for the sec3s to build on and set a good foundation for more to come! Hope all cadets will enjoy the camp and that the camp will be a success!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Second talk!
Hi there! Come on down if you are interested.
From Kyushu to Hokkaido: A 3,300 km, 89-day Cycling Adventure!
Date/Time : 25 August 2007 , 03.00 PM to 04.00 PM
Venue : library@orchard - Programme Zone
Subject : Recreation & Travel (English)
Presenter : Cheng Chin Yuen
Admission : Free Admission
Bicycle touring is definitely one of the harder ways to travel. Riding in cold rain or tackling those windy endless mountain roads that seem to go only up is closer to a mission than a holiday. Find out how this traveller squeezed 89 days in Japan under a S$3900 budget - and that's including airfare. Join us as our traveller shares also the kindness, encouragement and generosity of the many Japanese and expatriates he met and stayed with along this long journey.
Mr Cheng
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
ROD Parade 2007
Woooooot! Just a short while after Homecoming Dinner, we have another batch joining the Seniors team~~~

through thin..
.. and thick.
Enduring sleepless night together kanna naggings and scoldings
..and jumping around like monkeys...
We laughed together,
sad together,
and fight together!
Rain or sunshine... Once a LEO, always a LEO :)
It was a year ago, but the wish "Good luck for your futre endeavours" holds forever.
Take good care! We'll miss you always! Study well for O and N levels~~~~~~~~ Don't give up!
PS: More photos and albums added under "Photos2"! E.g: PYA Retreat, more of Homecoming Dinner 2007.
Monday, June 11, 2007
One big family
Monday, June 04, 2007
Good Old Days
Here, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone, as it was because of your support, this gathering could take place. Also, we would like to apologise for the looooong flashback presentation. Other than that, we hope the food and doorgifts were up to your likings! The poem on the back of the miniature NPCC T-shirt was penned by OC Unit, Mrs Stephanie Long, and every single knot keychains were tied by our male Cadet Inspectors.
To Mrs Mary Bay and Ms Loy Wei Kiin, we sincerely thank you for taking your time off just for this gathering. We are extremely honoured to have presence.
To the Officers, we are really grateful for your full support and advices throughout the planning and execution phase.
To the Seniors, it was so rare for us to be able to see your faces again. We really cherished the gathering moments. Thank you for returning to our big family once again!
To the Sec 3s, we thank you for your help in doing up all the logistics, serving food to the VIPs, be pacesetter to our distinguished guest, being usherers and etc. We couldn't have set up the beautiful hall so nicely, in such a short time, without your help. We know it was very physically demanding. (: Many people worked behind the curtains to make this happen... People like Weng Tat, Soon Yi, Syaiful, Zhi Sheng, Fadiana, Cheryl Foo, Cheryl Haw, Jeryl, Shalinah, Fitrah, Rosalyn, Falinah, Jia Yi, Arvin and Ming Yang. There are a few more, let me know and I'll add up the name~~
To the Sec 2s, we feel bad for delaying your time to start the ROD Dinner. Still, you guys did a great job!
To the Fancy Drill Team, the performance you put up was splendid and terrific! It really made us "recall the ultimate attraction that made us want to join NPCC". Well done for enduring through the many trainings~
To Rahayu, the pretty Ms NPCC, we are so glad that you agreed to become the MC for the gathering so willingly. You were great! I hope you learnt something out of this too. At the very least, gain some stage confidence. (:
To all CIs, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for working so closely together in order to set up this gathering. Ordering the food and doorgift, buying materials and tying the knot keychain, digging up the contacts of all our Seniors and informing them of the gathering, settling the accounts, supervising the wonderful Fancy Drill Team, designing the hall (it was really really beautiful), designing and printing the invitation cards for VIPs, and many many other more. I do hope, we all picked up valuable lessons from this gathering too.
We thank all for the praises and feedbacks that will make us do a better job should there be a next time.
We are still in the middle of uploading the photos... Look out for the update on this blog, once the photos are uploaded into our HKSSNPCC album. Meanwhile, I hope everyone can donate and share your photos with the rest, by either sending to or to any email or MSN of the CIs.
Now and forever, we are still as one.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Confirmation notice
For Sec 3s, please report at 2pm in your PT attire. You are allowed to change into your civilian attire after we're done with the logistics.
Till then!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mr Cheng's Travel Talk
I will be doing some yakking. Details as follows:
Topic: Some Things You’d Probably Haven’t Seen Before
Date/Time: 23 June 2007 (Sat) / 1500 to 1600hrs
Venue: Library@Orchard – Programme Zone
Admission: Free
In Brief: A photo-based talk, with a focus on the creativity and resourcefulness of the people of India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal, China and Japan.
*Please email me if you’re coming down as seating is currently limited to 100. If response is overwhelming, I will arrange for some minor renovations to the venue.
*For those who have been following my blog closely, ARIGATO but please DO NOT come (unless you want to), most of the stories I will be telling will generally be from the blog.
Mr Cheng
Friday, May 11, 2007
Homecoming Dinner 2007!
Finally, the long-awaited Homecoming Dinner for HKSS NPCC is here!
2nd June 2007
7.00pm (Guests are requested to arrive at 6.30pm.)
Hong Kah Secondary School
Good Old Days
Smart casual (no slippers, singlet, shorts)
Price of ticket
S$15 (inclusive of dinner and door gifts
How can I attend
1. Please transfer S$15 to POSB Savings account 175-07774-0. (Please put your name and I/C no. as initial)
2. After which, send an email to together with
Transaction reference number
Batch Year (Sec 1)* if you can remember
Date of transfer
Contact number
3. A confirmation slip will be sent to you once we verified the above information.
4. Print out the confirmation slip.
5. Entrance will granted only when the confirmation slip is produced..
1. Please transfer S$15 to POSB Savings account 175-07774-0.
2. After which, send an email to together with
Transaction reference number
Batch Year (Sec 1)* if you can remember
Date of transfer
Account Number
Contact number
3. A confirmation slip will be sent to you once we verified the above information.
4. Print out the confirmation slip.
5. Entrance will granted only when the confirmation slip is produced.
*Please contact us at the mentioned email address should you not receive the confirmation slip within 7 days
Closing Date: End of April 2007
Who can attend
All LEOs
Why should I attend
· It's HKSS NPCC 13th year!
· Have a reunion before HKSS goes through a huge renovation, after which, it would never
be the same as what it used to be.
· To catch up on the Good Old Days.
*Should you have any doubts or queries, please feel free to contact us either at or 94597923 (Pei Shan).
We would love to see you at the Homecoming Dinner!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Do take note that the closing date would be on end of April :)
Monday, April 02, 2007
- ATC 2003
- ATC 2005
- Attachment (Crime Prevention) 2005
- Banners
- Camp Leo 2003
- Camp Leo 2004
- Campcraft Competition 2004 (Prelims)
- Campcraft Competition 2004 (Finals)
- CCA Open House 2003
- CCA Open House 2004
- Dragon Boating 2005
- NCO Camp 2004
- NCO Camp 2007
- NPCC Day Parade 2004
- Overseas Trip 2005 (Perth)
- Police Dog Unit 2005
- Promotion Ceremony 2007
- Road Safety Park 2005
- ROD Dinner 2003
- ROD Parade 2005
- Shooting Competition 2005 (Finals)
- Student Leaders Meeting 2004
- Swearing In Ceremony 2005
- SYF Parade 2004
This album is filled to its brim, and thus, we'll be linking up another album soon! Watch out for it :)
Reflection On The NCO Camp And How I Feel About It
This camp really let me learn a lot, like all the games we played had an objective the CIs want to tell us. Example the poncho game even this game when we first go in it is stressful and lots of us wanted to give up but we still carry on as a team until the end the senior and CIs try to let lose and also give us support, this objective is to stress us first and give us support as to see under what circumstances are we better at working and thinking and also the whole group must have great communication skills so we will be able to direct each other through the obstacle. There is also another game called the spider game when we went in to the hall we were all blind folded and then we all have to make our way to the stage so we will be able to win or something, this objective should be trusting each other and listen to instructions, cooperate with each other and use the sense of touch to find your way through. There is also one more game called galang gune [don’t know spell correct anot] its like we have to get all the logistic first then we try to use all the resources we have to form a game, I find this game is the most interesting and the most difficult because we have to use our brain to think of creativity, objective and also the fun in the game, this game let me understand that we have to listen to every member first to think of what kind of game they want and then form up everyone’s idea to make a whole new creation of game.
I feel that I really bond with my peers a lot like we help out each other when another is in need, we try to support the other group and even though our this batch had lots of misunderstanding in the past, but we can still work as a team and walk this far. And also the communication within my peers are better now and the trust within us is stronger now and after this camp I find that those who hardly talk to each other starts to communicate better.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cash payment for Homecoming Dinner
Remember that the closing date is on 1st March 2007!!!! For those who have already paid, do remember to follow the email to us for confirmation :)