Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dedicated to Sec4s (2006)

Yo all Sec4s (2006)! That's the end of your life in HKSS NPCC! Like what Mrs Long said, you guys are indeed a very obedient and unique batch. Obedient, but never boring with so many interesting characters among you all. We thank you for all your contributions, your efforts, your ways to make our days, and most important of all, for becoming a part of our ROOOOOARING family.
Ok, so what's next after ROD? It's applying all the hard and soft skills you've obtained throughout the years you've stuck on in NPCC. Determination, perserverance, humble, leadership, teamwork, flexibility, decision-making, withstanding pressure, and even the minor unseemly important ability to stay up till wee hours (remember what time you slept at Camp Leo 05?). We are sure that with all the skills you're equipped with, you guys will be able to shine.
Don't feel shy about coming back to look-look see-see during our Muster Parades... Once a LEO, forever a LEO. We might be changing our Parades to another day of the week, so look out for the updates.
Take good care, and all the best to your results and future endeavours!