Thursday, November 30, 2006
Dedicated to Sec4s (2006)
ROD Dinner 2006
A big thanks to everyone for making this ROD Dinner 2006 successful~ A special presentation slide will be uploaded here, which the Sec 2s did it specially for the Sec 4s :) Hope everyone had fun, and the Sec 2s gain some experience. We look forward to seeing you all again!
Some of the photos for ROD Dinner 2006 are uploaded. For those who took pictures at the dinner, please send the photos to, and we will upload the pictures up for everyone's enjoyment. Thank you!
Fardiana has uploaded the video presentation shown on ROD Dinner 2006 on the following link:
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
ROD Dinner 2006
Date - 29th Nov 2006
Venue - Hong Kah Secondary School
Time - 1745 hours
Attire - Casual (No slippers, indecent clothing though)
May you guys soar high and far!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
ROD - Run Out Date
The date on which a national serviceman completes his two (for some, formerly two-and-a-half) years of full-time national service.
ORD - Operational Ready Date
With effect from 1 January 1994, ROD is known as as ORD.
POP - Pass Out Parade
The parade that marks you "graduating" or passing out for certain course of training.
*In HKSS terms, we termed it is ROD parade, and ROD dinner.
Incentive Scheme
During Camp Leo, we've feedbacks to activities/places such as - movies, kayaking (seemly the most popular), chalet and BBQ. Do let us know if you have any other suggestions.
PS: Camp Leo 06 pictures will be uploaded shortly~
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
Camp Leo 2006
Campfire's burning... Whoosh~

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Job guide!
Advice #2 - Safe guard yourself!
You'll pick up more knowledge as you expose yourself to more different type of work. Then, when you finally graduate from education life, you'll understand better which kind of work suits you better.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Tributes to all LEOs
Campcraft Team BBQ

Photos for the Campcraft Team BBQ held at WCI Pei Shan's house are uploaded! Check them out by clicking on the "Photos" link.
Hope you guys had fun gathering, "swimming", playing, BBQ-ing, eating, playing games... Including you too, Tricia, though you lost your MP3 :)
Thanks to Pei Shan and family for all the efforts, place and money you have contributed. The food were yummy! Let's look forward to the next Campcraft Team BBQ one year later!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Adventure Training Camp 2006

Upon reaching campsite..
some participate actively,
some just laze around.
Woah, super eyesight. Sit so far away can see that tiny map?
Twin towers
The jovial group
Mass briefing! Or is it mass sleeping?
CI paying more attention than cadets..
Chicken, seafood, abalone, fruits, milo, tissue paper to last us 3 days 2 nights :x
Super model?


View more photos by clicking the link!
If you happen to know that any of the Warriors name is categorized wrongly, or if you know the names of the Warriors whose fills are left blank, do let me know by leaving a comment here.
All ex LEOs take note!! Please collect your certificates (Total Defence, NYAA, NPCC completion) and your NYAA booklet by end of this year. All these are leaving our poor Admin cupboard so packed and cramp. Let any of the Officers, CIs or NCOs know if you are coming to collect so that we can dig it out before you arrive. Or else, you can leave your name here.